Saturday 1 November 2014

Bake Sales Plus Pizza = 3 pounds

I am frustrated with myself this week.  I had been seeing some great progress by sticking to my no-snacking plan and working out diligently, and then the company fundraising bakesale raised its ugly, delicious, chocolate covered head. 

I volunteered to bake (read: the Nerd was voluntold to bake, and I swanned in at the finish to add decorative icing) for the United Way fundraising bakesale. 

I was strong like a rock initially, but we had several items to prepare and each day was a fresh temptation.  By Thursday, the actual day of the bakesale, my defences had almost entirely crumbled away like so many gingerbread crumbs.  Yes, it is true - - I eat like a dog.  Gingerbread Coke bottle mummies, gingerbread skeletons, rice krispie square pumpkins, monster eyeballs (aka chocolate-dipped peanut butter balls) - - nothing escaped me.  And to top it off last night I had pizza for dinner with an old school friend.  Sheesh!

This morning the scale just made laughing noises at me while showing a number a full 3 pounds higher than before the icing-stavaganza.  Ah well.  I am still well below my previous high, and even below 200 pounds, so I have not eaten away all of my hard-fought losses, precisely. 

Today I got right back on the discipline bandwagon and ate sensibly.  Baby steps, people.  1 bad week doesn't set me back entirely.  It is, however, a proper kick in the nuts.  Delicious, chocolate coated nuts though they may be. 

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