Monday 30 July 2012

Another step up

Photo Courtesy William Warby, Licensed CC-BY
Sunday was the first day of yet another step up in the workout program, to 35 minutes on the elliptical machine, 6 times a week. 

I am happy that I am able to do the time on the machine, and it feels like I am working hard to do it, which is good. 

It's hard to remember that when I first started working out 27 weeks ago I could barely do 7 minutes on the recumbent bike - - it feels like so long ago now. 

So the workout program continues on track, and in force.  I still eagerly await all those endorphins people keep talking about, but for now, my sheer force of will/inertia keep me on the elliptical machine each morning.

On the nutrition side, this week has been a tough one to keep within my calorie and carb targets because we've been entertaining more than normal, having dinners with friends twice this weekend.   The Nerd is cooking healthy and delicious meals out of the Jamie Oliver Meals in Minutes cookbook, so the meals themselves are good to eat and good for me.  But with dinner parties comes appetizers (cheese and crackers), and wine, and more wine. 

Given my carb situation, I have tried to minimize the wine, and tried to avoid the crackers.  I did not realize this, but a mere 5 Triscuit crackers has 80 calories and 16g of carbs.  Gack!  I knew cheese had a lot of calories, but the carbs in crackers threw me for a loop.  I don't know what the hell I was expecting, what with them being made of deliciousness and all, but I had no idea what I was dealing with.  I distinctly remember sitting down with a plate of 12 or so Triscuits covered with melted cheese not so long ago.  I shudder to think about how many calories and carbs were on that simple plate. 

This whole pre-diabetes thing is gradually forcing me to make difficult, and increasingly disciplined choices.  A full meal, or a plate of cheese and crackers?  I can't have both.  Appetizers, or wine with dinner?  Can't have both.  Lunch, or Bailey's in my coffee?  You know how it goes. 

It's not that I am gradually whittling all the fun and good things out of my life, it's just that I am gradually being forced to make sensible, informed choices.  The simple fact is that I need to get my blood sugar down below 5.5 mmol/L, and that isn't going to happen unless I lose weight and manage the carbs to below 200g/day.  And that isn't going to happen without making some better choices, and a few sacrifices along the way. 

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